Shingeki no Kyojin, or Attack on Titan, has finally returned for its fourth and final season! Despite concerns with its production company moving from Wit Studio to MAPPA the production quality has kept a steady momentum from the previous seasons. From its sharp direction and crisp graphics MAPPA has left little to be desired concerning art. Hajime Isayama ended the last season with scenes of Eren and the Scouts finally seeing the sea, fuelling feelings of hope and anxiety in not only viewers everywhere, but also the cast we’ve grown to love. The new season starts off introducing us to the occupants of Marley and their war that came to a close. I see it as an attempt to build a relationship, and empathy, for the Marleyans in a way that parallels the introduction of Eren and his friends in the first season. We see how Marley weaponizes Titans and Pure Titans against the Mid-East Allied Forces, which is more barbaric and less technologically advanced when compared to the weaponry and defences within the Walls. Within the first few episodes the differences between Marley and Paradis are evident and the systematic racism between Marleyans and Eldians is seen. Given the extensive history between Marley, those who were once oppressed and fought titans with titans for supremacy, and Eldia, those with blood of Ymir who oppressed Marley first only to be greatly oppressed by a reformed Marley, the fandom is quite divided on whom to support, or if it’s right to support either side at all. Whose side are you on?
The Return of the Devils of Paradis Island
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